Why book a fastPass intensive course?

Passing your driving test after an intensive course of driving tuition can generally work out cheaper than taking a number of lessons spread over many months. You are less likely to forget what you’ve learned during a concentrated burst of tuition than you might do if you were taking lessons week by week, so need fewer hours.

If you have a licence-dependant job offer, or if you need to pass your test before your theory test expires, fastPass will do its very best to fit in with your requirements. fastPass driving courses are designed to offer great choice and flexibility at a fair price and and we can organise local intensive driving courses in a manual or automatic tuition car, (often) with a male or female instructor.

fassPass Intensive CoursesEvery driving school is dependant upon test availability from the DSA, but practical driving tests cannot be pre-booked and no instructor has a pipe-line direct to booking priority tests. fastPass is in daily contact with the DSA to get the earliest cancellation, or the best alternative test date, for our pupils, and our intensive driving solution offer an immediate and practical opportunity to quickly obtain that elusive driving licence at a realistic cost.

If you prefer weekly, (non-intensive), lessons with a local driving instructor, you should viisit our sister website: BookDrivingLessonsOnline.co.uk.